Bernard Marr's Future of Business & Technology Podcast
In this podcast, Bernard Marr explores the biggest trends and questions in business and technology
Bernard Marr's Future of Business & Technology Podcast
The Future Of Corporate Learning: AI And Immersive Tech
Join me for an eye-opening conversation about how artificial intelligence and gamification are revolutionizing the way we learn and engage at work.
I am joined by Eilert Hanoa, CEO of Kahoot!, the global learning platform that has transformed education with over 11 billion players to date. Together we explore the dramatic impact of AI on corporate training, why traditional learning methods are becoming obsolete, how gamification can transform employee engagement, the rise of immersive technologies in education, and why the shift to hybrid work demands entirely new approaches to learning.
We also discuss the exciting future trends that are reshaping both classroom and workplace learning, from AI-powered content creation to augmented reality experiences.